Vytautas Landsbergis
European Parliament, Strasbourg
Plenary session, 16-04-2014
La belle époque of European democracy and free will unity building goes to an end. The époque of bloody confrontation is reopened in the Near East.
Let‘s listen, we Europeans, what Kremlin says by its action.
Go away, Union, with your childish „values“ when you lack of will and wisdom to defend them.
The main, if not the only, remaining value and virtue now back, are the military muscles and force; the only international law still valid and counted by non-European and anti-European Russia, is force majeur.
Clear signal came some time ago when the ruler of Russia went to the national TV forum to answer whistled questions, and he was given that one by a little boy:
„Mr. President, among my classmates there are two boys constantly fighting. Which one of them is guilty for that?“
Mr. President answered him then but also you, ladies and gentlemen:
„Guilty was that one who was beaten“.
Did you listen?
No, that sentence worth of entire “Mein Kampf” was never debated. Maybe, it is understood better now?
Ukraine is beaten, first in Crimea, thus Ukraine is guilty. Tomorrow, if there is big war in our East, some of you will blame Ukraine. But we, the Europe, are beaten as well.
We supported the Europe-striving Ukraine, we annoyed the monster of reborn Russian fascism, thus we are guilty and should be put down as well. Why did we behave so “provocative” to Russia and irresponsibly with damned Eastern Neighbourhood? Not asking the Grandmaster?
I call you, my former colleagues, as many will continue to serve here, not to repeat Russian formulas in conformity with the evil, this way approaching the slavery. The European democracies and their Union must awake and seek their moral rebirth.
Thank you.