There was a distant, calm and calmly murmuring sea. And there were three sisters on sea shore.
It happened greatly badly, that they appeared once captured by crazy magician. He did not allow them to sing and dance what they liked to do.
He ordered them to sing only the anthems about his unique world leadership, to praise his highest wisdom and bloody powerfulness.
His title was Comrade Majesty. He looked frozen, and never smiled likely having no heart.
But the times came when he, maybe because of his age, allowed a little variety around. After one sister could appeal to him "Comrade Majesty", the next could use graceful permission to say "Majesty Comrade".
That introduced a mess into magicians life's and ruling order, and the mess went increasing.
Unexpectedly then sisters began to sing ever more unregulated versets. The tune of their song became sea-like free and exciting.
Magician went retreating step by step out from the sea which accidently was the Baltic one. When he got hiding into a red-marble cave, the way of freedom at the Baltic Sea was reopened. Millions gathered to enjoy their "Baltic Way". They praised the bravery and consistency of three Baltic sisters. But the very way stayed awaiting until now for new Eastern travellers.
Your Excellencies Presidents and all colleagues here, please, forgive me that rough sketch for a fairy tale about three sisters on Baltic Sea coast. The action and symbol of their singing peaceful liberation was living chain of joined hands of short to two million people standing for freedom in a Europe's greatest chain manifestation from Vilnius to Tallinn. That's geography, if we are looking normally along with globe's latitudes.
That story was also history, and making it.
In a newest European history, along with fall of Berlin Wall (just after the "Baltic Way"!), and with Belovezh peaceful dissolution of Evil Empire got build in cruelty by that crazy magician, the "Baltic Way" presents a greatly remarkable milestone, one of those three over mentioned. The milestone, now imprinted in European Parliament, tells about liberation of human spirit and entire nations then still under yoke of soviet communism. As a result, we have since then truly corrected map of half of Europe. That's general fairness expressed in geography again.
"Baltic Way" may be seen differently in light of then, in 1989, fading soviet totalitarianism, and now, exactly 60 years after Stalin's death, when the neo-totalitarianism in Russia is gaining strength. It is going on to oppress and destroy all those, who are bravely opposing neo-tots, in favor of liberties. That's understandable, as any liberties are dangerous for neo-tots.
Therefore it is worth to realize that in 1989, still in USSR, there was a freedom of association and expression - not a case for Russia of today. Of course, to attack the good-will association of two millions on a highway as agents of foreign interest would appear an extreme "Soviet Story".
Then, in 1989, three Baltic nations standing together unified by common idea - freedom now! - have said the world very simply: that's enough.
50 years have had passed of a bloody deal concluded between two biggest world criminals and their brotherly gangs called "parties" of Bolshevik "socialism" and nazi-socialism. 50 years of Teufelspakt, as it was defined in 1989 by Helmut Kohl,– that was indeed enough.
Thus it was said and made. Made in Europe, if you wish.
Thanks to efforts of Sandra Kalniete and understanding of Presidency of the EP, we will enjoy now the nice plaque, commemorating and educating young Europeans, despite a little remaining problem, as for exact communication and perception.
As I see, there is a lack of clearly readable inscription at the wall in solid letters: BALTIC WAY. It should be necessary to get evident for everybody, that that's about way of the peoples to freedom, not constellation of Pegasus.
Vytautas Landsbergis